
The Office Trivia

Oh my god it’s happening – everybody stay calm – THE OFFICE TRIVIA IS RETURNING! 

This is your chance to prove yourself as the ULTIMATE fan – it’s time to put all those hours of rewatching, quoting, and talking about favorite scenes with your friends TO GOOD WORK

Bring your advanced sense of humor – and your coworkers – and remember:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky”

-Michael Scott


Want to earn some extra trivia points?

Show up 20 minutes early and score an “early-bird” cube which is good for extra points.

You can play solo, or on a team of up to four people, as you battle your way through level after level of brain-boggling trivia on a quest to win Playalinda prizes.

First Place: $45 Playalinda gift card 🥇 

Second Place: $25 Playalinda gift card 🥈